Higher Education Access Route (HEAR)
Maynooth University provides a number of Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) places to students on every course. HEAR is a higher education admissions scheme for Leaving Certificate students (under 23) whose economic or social background are underrepresented in higher education. There are over 200 students who meet the HEAR criteria and enter Maynooth University annually. HEAR students can avail of academic, financial, personal, technological and social supports. Visit Access College to find out how to apply to HEAR.
Once you accept your place at Maynooth University and complete the student advisory supports application form, you will be asssigned to your MAP Student Advisor who can explain the range of HEAR supports available to you.
HEAR Student Supports at Maynooth University
HEAR supports are part of Maynooth University's strong commitment to widening participation and include:
Designated MAP Student Advisor
There is a designated MAP Student Advisor who is available to all HEAR students who may wish to discuss personal, academic financial or any other issues in confidence at any stage during your degree. If you are a HEAR student, book an appointment to meet an Advisor by emailing
MAP My Way Orientation Programme
Starting at university can be a new and exciting transition which can sometimes be challenging and uncertain. To help support you to connect, grow and develop a sense of belonging at Maynooth University, MAP My Way weekly sessions run throughout semester 1 that you are invited to attend. Current MAP ambassadors and staff will share insights and information about becoming a successful Maynooth student.
Academic Supports
Academic supports including the
MAP Academic Advisors and technology training offered during first semester to help you adjust to the academic demands at Maynooth University.
Personal Supports
A strong Access Society with fun events planned throughout the year. Career planning and employment opportunities.
HEAR Financial Supports
There are financial supports available to HEAR students to help with the costs of going to university in your first year and if you met 5 or more HEAR indicators you will continue to receive financial support from the Maynooth University Access Programme throughout your degree. This assistance is co-funded by the Irish Government and European Union under the European Social Fund Human Capital Investment Programme.
HEAR entrants are eligible to receive a free laptop for the duration of their degree and will be contacted with information on how to avail of this support early in the semester.
For all other aspects of your finances, the
Student Budgeting Advice Service offers a free, friendly and confidential service to Maynooth University students to provide help, guidance and advice on any money issue. The Student Budgeting Advisor can also work with you on your financial planning for University.
For any queries or concerns, please contact us at map.advisory@mu.ie, by web chat or @MU_MAP.