Award Type and NFQ level : TAUGHT MASTERS (9)
CAO/MU Apply code : MH52L
CAO Points :
Closing Date : 30 June 2025
This programme aims to provide opportunities for educators to explore and examine aspects of their own practice with a view to improving the educational experiences of the students in their care. Central to the programme is the development of a reflective disposition which is a core principle underpinning action research. Recent Teaching Council policies such as Induction (Droichead) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (Cosán) promote teaching as a lifelong learning continuum along with the concept of teacher as researcher. This Masters in Education upholds the concept of teaching as innovative professional practice, combining academic study with research in practice. It is envisaged that successful candidates of the programme will go on to serve key roles in the educational community as curriculum and policy developers.
Underpinned by the philosophy of Friedrich Froebel, his contemporaries and later scholars, this programme will specifically explore Action Research in its many forms within educational settings. Through the work of Froebel (1933), Dewey (1912), Brookfield (1995) and others associated with critical reflection, this programme will provide opportunities to further develop students skills at a higher level in order to inspire transformative practices within educational settings.
This programme is primarily aimed at candidates who are working in the Primary and Early Childhood Education sectors and who wish to develop their practice through Action Research. Candidates are required to be in regular employment in an educational setting and to meet one of the criteria listed below:
- A level 8 Bachelor of Education degree or equivalent with a minimum grade level of 2.1, be fully probated, and registered with the Teaching Council.
- A level 9 Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs (PDSEN) or Higher Diploma in Primary and/or Secondary Education, be fully probated and registered with the Teaching Council. This proposed programme facilitates an extension to the PDSEN which is geared towards enhancing professional practice specifically in the area of Special Educational Needs. Students on this programme are already qualified, practising teachers.
- A level 8 degree in Early Childhood Education with a minimum grade level of 2:1. It is proposed that this MEd would also facilitate BA students to progress towards a MEd qualification. However, as this programme is currently a 3-year degree, they will be required to undertake 90 credits.







Department of Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education
Department of ALL Institute


Department of Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education
Department of Sexualities and Gender

Department of Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education
Department of Faculty of Social Sciences




Department of Lárionad na Gaeilge
Department of Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education
Department of School of Celtic Studies











4 x 7.5 credit modules x 48 hours contact time = 144 hours
1 x 30 credit module = 34 hours (Action Research-based Dissertation)
250 hours independent learning for each module
Online application only. To make an application please click here.
To apply for your chosen postgraduate study at Maynooth University, please ensure you have the following documents to make an application:
- Evidence of your primary degree
- Academic transcripts
- A copy of your passport
- A personal statement
Applicants for whom English is not their first language are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study. For information about English language tests accepted and required scores, please see here. The requirements specified are applicable for both EU and International applicants.