Undergraduate Occasional Student applications for semester 1 of this 2024-2025 academic year are now closed.
Applications for modules in semester 2 of this 2024-2025 academic year are open.
Who is an Occasional Student?
- Undergraduate Occasional Students study specific modules for a semester or one academic year.
- Occasional Students do not receive a National University of Ireland qualification. Instead, they receive a transcript of results, issued by the Student Records Office.
- Examples of reasons for choosing to study as an EU Undergraduate Occasional Student include:
- Meeting Teaching Council of Ireland requirements
- Personal interest
Applying as an Occasional Student
If you are interested in studying as an occasional student for semester 2 2024-2025 academic year, please follow these steps:
- Pay the application fee of €25 - click here to go to fee payment page
- Please complete our online application form for the 2024-2025 academic year here: click here for application form
- Please ensure that transcripts of all relevant studies are submitted to the following email address admissions.occasionals@mu.ie once application is submitted.
- Contact admissions.occasionals@mu.ie should you wish to discuss your application (the Admissions and Student Recruitment Office acts as a liaison between you and the Department once the application has been submitted).
- Please note there is a closing date for making applications. Applications cannot be made after the first week of the semester being applied for.
Requirements, Assessment and Fees
- Applicants for admission as an undergraduate occasional student are required to have at least attained a Level 5 qualification or equivalent (e.g. school Leaving Certificate). The relevant academic department(s) assesses your application. This may take a few weeks. Applicants may contact the Admissions and Student Recruitmen Office for a provisional indication as to the progress of their application.
- Assessment, whether examination or continuous assessment, is the same as per all other Maynooth University students. No special examination arrangements are made for occasional students. Semester 2 examinations take place in May. All results are issued in July. Please note that if you wish to add on further modules to your application, following approval, your application will be treated as a new application and you will be liable for the €25.00 application fee again.
- Once you have been approved for the modules you applied for, please be aware that this approval is subject to timetabling availability. Please contact your departmental administrator for module timetable closer to the start of the semester or email timetable@mu.ie
- Academic fees are to be paid to the university for each module you take as an Occasional Student. Please contact the Fees and Grants Office directly at fees.office@mu.ie to enquire about the current fees for Occasional Students.
Current Maynooth University undergraduate/postgraduate students
- If you wish to add on additional modules to your studies you must contact Student Records at records.office@mu.ie and complete the appropriate R7 form https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/records/qualification-subject-or-module-amendments)