MaynoothWorks delivers a Generic Skills Module annually (GST10 - Innovation and Research Commercialisation). The module usally runs run in Semester 1 only.
Registration for the module "Innovation and Research Commercialisation" takes place at annual registration.
Please contact for the current programme dates.
The module aims to introduce early career researchers to the culture of commercialisation of research and equip them with the skills required to commercialise the outcome of their research, to provide them with the ability to interact with industry and to improve their skills to innovate and act with an entrepreneurial mindset.
The course covers the basics of intellectual property, technical marketing, product development, spin-out company formation and research commercialisation contracts. Also included are a couple of workshops and exercises, including preparation of a marketing pitch, culminating in a group business plan competition. These are very useful in informing the student how to present their ideas as a business opportunity rather than as just interesting science, a practical approach which then complements their academic training.
The current economic climate requires that graduates have the know-how, competencies and confidence to set-up and deliver new commercial opportunities. Our detailed case-studies and practical workshops facilitate this in a relaxed hands-on environment.
Each year Maynooth University researchers are joined by a group of early career researchers and students from our technology transfer alliance partners, Waterford IT, Athlone IT and IT Carlow.
New Frontiers is Ireland's national entrepreneur development programme, funded and coordinated by Enterprise Ireland and delivered in the Midlands East region by Athlone Institute of Technology in partnership with Maynooth University.
This programme starts with a Phase 1 stage with successful participants progressing to Phase 2. Participants are based in either Athlone IT or MaynoothWorks incubator in Maynooth University.
If you are interested in this programme and to request an application form for the next phase 1 start please contact:
New Frontiers Programme Manager / or 085 1643697
MaynoothWorks Incubation Centre Manager at Maynooth University or 01 708-3367
New Frontiers brochure
New Frontiers Programme participants
The Commercialisation Office successfully ran the Maynooth University Student Entrepreneur Competition through 2013.
From 2014 onward the competition changed direction to become a "Student Entrepreneur Challenge" hosted by the Eden Centre for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Please submit all enquiries for the competition to Dr Peter Robbins and his team at the Eden Centre
2014 Competition Results
History of the Student Entrepreneur Competition
The Maynooth University Commercialisation Office hosted an annual Student Entrepreneur Competition, with a prize fund of €10,000 sponsored by Bank of Ireland Maynooth and McCann Fitzgerald Solicitors with further support provided by FR Kelly Patent Attorneys and Carton House Hotel Maynooth.
The "Dragon's Den" competition tested the participants ability to generate a good idea, develop a business plan taking their product to market, demonstrate an understanding of the financial elements including the all important cash-flow and finally presenting their idea through several rounds of competition through to the final which is judged by external "dragons".
2013 Competition Winners
1st Prize €6,000 Patrick McGlynn & Simon Kenny - OSCAR
2nd Prize €3,000 Rebecca Murphy and Caraiosa Cleary - Spirito Voci
3rd Prize €500 Ricky Jacob - Odikyo
3rd Prize €500 Niamh Parker - SWOT
2012 Competition Winners
1st Prize €6,000 Ollwyn Moran - Creeper Crawlers
2nd Prize €3,000 Niamh Hamrock - Jigzit
3rd Prize €2,500 Sarah Gillespie - Dramafit
3rd Prize €500 Amy Keith and Paul Doran - Pepper
2011 Competition Winner
Alvaro Palomo Navarro of eBitez - a shopping/recipe app.
2010 Competition Winner
Fintan Lalor of Mint Bespoke Clothing - a company offering a custom suit service, at its peak employed 2 people.
2009 Competition Winner
Nicole Holmes and Aida Ennis of Lingua Franca (now Modern Languages) - a company offering teaching and translation services, at its peak in 2010 employed 10 people.