
Taught MA Thesis Supports

Resources for your Research Process

When: Wednesday, 30 October 2024 to Saturday, 30 November 2024


IEEEXtreme hackathon

24 hours of competitive programming.

When: Saturday, 26 October 2024 to Sunday, 27 October 2024

Where: BioScience Building

Can Quantum Computers Do Nothing?

Dept of Physics Seminar Series 24/25

When: Friday, 25 October 2024

Where: Physics Chemistry Theatre (PCT), Science Building, North Campus, Maynooth University, and on Teams (Please see link below)

Considering the Influence of Public Opinion, Penal Populism, and Human Rights in Irish Penal Policymaking

In this panel discussion, Dr. Kevin Wozniak (Director of the Centre for Criminology, Maynooth University), Ben Ryan (Assistant Secretary General for Criminal Justice Policy, Department of Justice), and Dr. Thamil Ananthavinayagan (Assistant Principal/Senior Legal Researcher, Department of Justice) will consider social and political factors that influence penal policymaking in Ireland.

When: Thursday, 24 October 2024

Where: Renehan Hall, South Campus

Spotlight on Research: A quick look at some of the projects and research currently going on in the School of Law and Criminology

At the School of Law and Criminology, we are committed to the study of law and criminology in a global context. The School has a global focus and interdisciplinary approach to research. The School is committed to developing policy-orientated research, which necessarily entails cultivating a range of links with civil society groups, business, public administration, and legal professions. The School of Law and Criminology is home to extremely talented experts in a wide multitude of fascinating topics that are of interest to people in all disciplines and levels.

When: Thursday, 24 October 2024

Where: Phoenix Boardroom

Manifestos and speculations: Research in the Department of Media Studies

Dr EL Putnam will present on methods of arts-based research, speculative fiction, and co-creation in the recent project, Under the Feet of Shadows. Prof Gavan Titley will be joined by co-authors Prof Anamik Saha (Leeds University) and Dr Francesca Sobande (Cardiff University) to discuss their recently published book The Anti-Racist Media Manifesto. Following the sessions there will be a reception and book launch for EL Putnam’s Livestreaming: An Aesthetic and Ethics of Technical Encounter (University of Minnesota Press, Forerunners: Ideas First series) and Gavan Titley et al’s The Anti-Racist Media Manifesto (Polity Press, Media Manifesto series)

When: Thursday, 24 October 2024

Where: 1.37 Iontas

The Role of Conflict Analysis in EU Conflict Intervention : From Conflict Analysis to Integrated Responses

In the contemporary global landscape, a complicated geopolitical shift is underway, driven by a rising tide of conflicts – in the European Union’s neighbourhood and beyond – with deepening polarisation. This transformation is reshaping international dynamics, with both a political and institutional push for the EU to take more responsibility for its own security. The EU’s approach to peacebuilding has been embedded in a wider ambition to “preserve peace, prevent conflicts and strengthen international security”. Given the mushrooming of security tensions, this concept requires sustained reflection. Heretofore regarded as a credible and reliable partner, recent violence in Ukraine, Nagorno-Karabakh, Kosovo, and Israel/Palestine, has increased geopolitical tensions and challenged multilateralism, proving that the EU’s must continuously re-assess its commitment to partnership, and the manner of its approach to peacebuilding.

When: Thursday, 24 October 2024

Where: 225 Iontas

Spotlight on Research: A quick look at some the projects and research currently going on in the School of Law and Criminology

At the School of Law and Criminology, we are committed to the study of law and criminology in a global context. The School has a global focus and interdisciplinary approach to research. The School is committed to developing policy-orientated research, which necessarily entails cultivating a range of links with civil society groups, business, public administration, and legal professions. The School of Law and Criminology is home to extremely talented experts in a wide multitude of fascinating topics that are of interest to people in all disciplines and levels.

When: Thursday, 24 October 2024

Where: SE230

MURAL Information Pop-Up Stand

Are your publications up-to-date in MURAL? If not, why not! Come talk to Suzanne and we'll get it sorted.

When: Thursday, 24 October 2024

Where: John Paul II Library

Inaugural Lecture by Prof Jan vom Brocke

How can organizations and societies respond to continuous change? How can they sense change, adapt to change and constantly produce innovate services in times of change? In this talk, Professor vom Brocke introduces Process Science as an emerging interdisciplinary field to scientifically research change and to fundamentally advance capabilities of digital service innovation in times of change. Process science studies socio-technical processes, which involve coherent series of changes over time, entailing actions and events that include humans and digital technologies. The ubiquitous availability of digital trace data, combined with advanced data analytics capabilities, offer new and unprecedented opportunities to study such processes through multiple data sources. Process science is concerned with describing, explaining, and intervening in socio-technical change. It is based on four key principles; it (1) puts socio-technical processes at the center of attention, (2) investigates socio-technical processes scientifically, (3) embraces perspectives of multiple disciplines, and (4) aims to create impact by actively shaping the unfolding of socio-technical processes. Professor vom Brocke will provide many examples of Process Science across industries, and he will present the Process Science Methodology, which enables both organizations and universities to engage in digital service innovation in times of change.

When: Thursday, 24 October 2024

Where: TSI LT2
