There is a growing recognition within metropolitan cities and regions that these spaces are characterised by fragmented planning and governance arrangements and are typically reliant on inadequate urban-economic infrastructure. The pace of urban change poses fundamental questions about how to best plan and govern 21st-century metropolitan cities and regions. Metropolitan cities and regions face a variety of planning and governance challenges, including in the areas of
- Spatial Imaginaries;
- Institutional Approaches;
- Policy Mobilities;
- Planning Styles; and
- Leadership.
These issues highlight the need for integrated and adaptive planning and governance frameworks that can address the unique challenges of metropolitan cities and regions. They, together with other matters, are explored over this two-day conference taking place on 24-25th October 2004 in the historic Belfast Harbour Office.
Conference Programme
In addition to a number of study tours on the morning on 24th October (see below for details), the conference is organised around 5 key sessions:
Day 1
Session 1: The Post-Pandemic City: Building the Sustainable City of the Future
Session 2: The State of our Cities and Regions – Challenges and Opportunities
Session 3: Leadership in the City Region
Day 2
Session 4: Planning and Governing Metropolitan Regions and Cities in the 21st Century: Learnings from Elsewhere
Session 5: Closing Session
Contributors include:
24th October Day 1
Opening Session –
– Ms. Mary MacIntyre, Chair, ICLRD
– Minister John O’Dowd, MLA, Department for Infrastructure
Session 1: The Post-Pandemic City: Building the Sustainable City of the Future
– CHAIR: Mr. Pádraig Maguire, Meath County Council
– KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Ms. Alice Charles, ARUP
– Ms. Claragh Mulhern, Department for Housing, Local Government and Heritage
– Mr. Alistair Beggs, Department for Infrastructure
– Dr. Cormac Walsh, University of Oldenburg
– Cllr. Tony Fitzgerald, Cork Healthy City & Chair, Political Vision Group – WHO European Healthy Cities
– Dr. Carsten Jahn Hansen, Aalborg University
Session2: The State of our Cities and Regions – Challenges and Opportunities
– CHAIR: Mr. Tom Reid, The Executive Office Northern Ireland
– KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Mr. Andrew Carter, Centre for Cities
– Dr. Karen Keaveney, University College Dublin
– Pror. Kathryn Howell, University of Maryland
– Prof. Peter Roberts, Emeritus Professor, University of Leeds and Former Chair, Northern Ireland Housing Executive
25th October Day 2
Session 3: Leadership in the City Region
– CHAIR: Dr. Bríd Quinn, Formerly University of Limerick and Member of the Council of Europe GIE
– Dr. Tim O’Connor, Former Senior Civil Servant, Irish Government
– Political Representatives TBA
Session 4: Planning and Governing Metropolitan Regions and Cities in the 21st Century: Learnings from Elsewhere
– CHAIR: Mr. Niall Cussen, Office of the Planning Regulator
– KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Mr. Michael Flood, OECD
– Mr. John Kelpie, Derry City and Strabane District Council
– Prof. Gerrit Knaap, University of Maryland
Ms. Soňa Raszková, Brno City Municipality
Selection of Tours on Morning 24th October: You can select One Only with your ticket
(10.00 – 12noon)
1. Regenerating Belfast’s Waterfront – A Story of Innovation, Placemaking and Growth
2. Housing – Considering Innovations, Challenges and Solutions in Northern Ireland
3. Planning, Place-Making and Regeneration – The Priorities for Belfast City Council
Conference Package
– 1 Day Conference – Stg£75 / €90 (+ booking fee)
* 24th October
* 25th October
– 1 Day Conference with Dinner – Stg£110 / €130 (+ booking fee)
* Attend conference on 24th October followed by conference dinner only
– 2 Day Conference with Dinner – Stg£135 / €160 (+ booking fee)
Reduced rates
– Student / Retired Rate
* 1 Day Conference – Stg£50 / €60
* 2 Day Conference – Stg£85 / €100
* 2 Day Conference with Dinner – Stg£110 / €130