
Maynooth University Department of History


Award Type and NFQ level : TAUGHT MASTERS (9)

CAO/MU Apply code : MHP69

CAO Points :

Closing Date : 30 June 2025

This programme enables students to examine and research the rich subject area of Irish history from the earliest times to the present day, and to assess the major events which led to the emergence of modern Ireland. Compulsory modules provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the sources and resources at their disposal to undertake a piece of detailed research, and foster their ability to assess and understand the major debates and controversies that have engaged historians in writing Irish history.

In addition, students choose from a suite of optional modules drawn from this and other MA programmes within the department, exploring key issues and debates associated with their chosen fields. Options vary from year to year and may include Irish social, political, military or economic history; historic houses and landed estates; local history, etc.


Students who have an honours degree with a 1:1, a 2.(i) or high 2.(ii) grade in History before the programme begins will be offered a place. Other applications will be considered depending on available spaces. Applicants must have a recognised primary degree which is considered equivalent to Irish university primary degree level.

Applicants for whom English is not their first language are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study. For information about English language tests accepted and required scores, please see here. The requirements specified are applicable for both EU and International applicants.

Maynooth University's TOEFL code is 8850

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Department of History


Department of History


Department of History

The MA in Irish History offers students a chance to increase their knowledge of a range of periods in Irish history and develop critical research and writing skills at postgraduate level. Students will be offered a combination of compulsory modules and optional modules as part of their programme.

This programme comprises two parts: taught modules in Year 1, and a minor research thesis in Year 2 (90 credits in total).

Year 1
Compulsory taught modules (3 x 10 credits)  must be taken by part-time students in the first year of their studies to allow ample time for the completion of the thesis in the second year of the programme. The compulsory modules focus on familiarising students with the resources and sources available for the study of Irish history and also with the major debates and controversies in areas such as Irish urban history, women’s history, medieval Ireland, Irish emigration and Diaspora. Students choose two optional modules (2 x 10 credits) from a suite available in a particular year depending on the availability of lecturers. Prospective students should enquire with the course Director to discover what modules may be on offer in any given year.

Year 2
A total of 40 credits are awarded for thesis preparation (semester 1, 10 credits) and thesis completion (year-long). Students will be assigned a research supervisor on an individual basis in Year 1, but do not complete the thesis preparation module or the thesis itself until Year 2

Course Duration: 2 years Part-time

A taught masters degree in Irish History provides a good basis for pursuing a career in education, journalism, the civil service, academia, research and arts administration. Many people go on to pursue careers or further education in the arts and heritage sector in galleries, libraries, museums, archives and cultural institutions. This qualification can also be of use in diplomatic service, politics, law, public relations, public administration among other options.

Many graduates have used their experience of conducting independent research to engage in further postgraduate research and have enrolled in M.Litt and PhD programmes in Maynooth University and elsewhere.

Online application only. To make an application please click here

To apply for your chosen postgraduate study at Maynooth University, please ensure you have the following documents to make an application: 

  • Evidence of your primary degree 
  • Academic transcripts 
  • A copy of your passport 
  • A personal statement   

 Applicants for whom English is not their first language are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study. For information about English language tests accepted and required scores, please see here. The requirements specified are applicable for both EU and International applicants 

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