John and Ann Hume Doctoral Awards 2023-2024
Tuesday, December 20, 2022 - 09:30
John & Pat Hume Doctoral Awards
Established in honour of John Hume, an alumnus of Maynooth University, and in recognition of his important contribution to Ireland, the John & Pat Hume Doctoral Awards are offered across all disciplines at Maynooth University. There is one type of award this year offering €18,500 stipend, €2,000 for research expenses plus fees for four years.
The call for John & Pat Hume Doctoral Awards opens at 2pm, Wednesday, 30th November 2022 and closes at 12 midnight on Monday, 30th January 2023
Applications should be made online via a private PAC portal - John & Pat Hume PAC Application Portal
For further enquiries please contact humephdscholarship@mu.ie